25 Conifer Crazy
January 29, 2021
27 How Not to Remove a Wort
February 12, 2021D uring a nursery tour in Oregon, Aunt Patti and I were in the town of Tualatin driving toward a nursery called The Garden Corner. In my Internet research it had looked amazingly beautiful. But as we drove along an ugly 4-lane road with nothing but ugly strip malls and gas stations on both sides, I thought the lady giving directions on Maps had given us a bum steer—or was on drugs or something.
Then she told us to turn right and suddenly the ugly was gone as we climbed a winding road through beautiful redwood trees. It reminded me of where I grew up and I decided to trust Maps Lady again.
But this area looked upscale with classy craftsman style houses that made us think no businesses would be located here. So it shocked us when Maps Lady said, "You have arrived at your destination."
And OMG, OMG, OMG! What a destination!
Though I have to tell you, it has a stupid name. "The Garden Corner" does not do it justice. Like Dragonfly Farm, it is literally planted in a redwood grove!! (If only the owners had first consulted me for a name. Sigh. Slow learners.)
Anyway, you will know what I mean by just looking at the parking lot!
Instead of asphalt, that is cocoa shells and crushed rock. And the parking spaces? No painted lines. That is Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’ (Japanese Sweet Flag). Did you know you can drive over these plants and not kill them? Very very clever. (Though we did not test this.)
After parking, Aunt Patti and I just sat in the car taking in the view. And then we got out, smelling the forest, the fresh air and seeing all the beauty waiting for us to explore. This truly is a "Destination Nursery" where you just want to meander through the displays enjoying every minute of the experience.
And right then, yup, I’m thinking to myself, "this is going to be better than sex."
I tell ya, the owners blew it on the name but they carefully thought out and designed everything here—the overall layout, each area and plant display—all inviting and visually stunning.
Upon entering, you step onto a floating walkway that runs throughout the entire grounds. Love love love!
I was more excited about the walkways than most of the plants—which I thought were mostly ho-hum ordinary. (Because, why? Because I’m a plant snob.)
Except for this little beauty...
Euonymus japonicus ‘Aureo-Marginatus’ (Golden Euonymus)
...which is so common in parking lots of strip malls in California. But it appears a lot happier in this cooler climate. The colors are so vibrant.
I would design this plant along with purple flowering perennials like Lavenders, Salvias, Asters, or Phlox mixed in with some tall ornamental grasses such as Pennisetum alopecuriodes ‘Redhead’, Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’, Pennisetum setaceum ‘Fireworks’, or Phormium ‘Platts Black’ for contrast.
And I did come across this succulent which I had never seen before. Had to buy it.
Senecio barbertonicus (Succulent Bush Senecio)
I paid too much for it—like $9.95 in a 2 1/2-inch pot. (Skip a day, and I found it elsewhere for $2 less. Ugh.)
When we first turned in and saw The Garden Corner for the first time, I immediately labelled it a high-end nursery. And I thought "the plants here are going to be expensive." I've been to other nurseries with classy taste and design and they all sell plants for a few dollars more.
I guess you pay extra for beauty. But Aunt Patti left here with nothing!!! Shock.
Anyway, jump ahead a year and this succulent bush grows crazy wild.
I had it in a container in full sun and it bloomed profusely until the frost came. So I moved it to the outside of the greenhouse under a tree for protection. Now in part shade, ZERO blooms the following summer! Gawd gardening is exhausting.
The Garden Corner features what it claims to be the world's largest hanging basket. That's Sasquatch sitting in the middle of it.
You are looking at a basket that is approximately 25-feet tall and 10-feet wide! And it rotates! Simply amazing.
I had a tough time taking this picture though because I wanted Sasquatch's face in it. But the sun was playing tricks, and with the basket rotating, I kept bumping into people while I was rotating with it!
Oregon is well known for its hanging baskets. Why wouldn’t it be with all its perfect weather?
Here is a walkway with more hanging baskets, also containers (just ignore the gnomes), and something I want you to notice in the top right corner of the photo.
See that row of flowers up there? Wouldn’t you LOVE an entryway like that to your garden?! I would.
At every turn we found something beautiful to look at.
Of course Aunt Patti and I loved The Garden Corner's FREE coffee, tea and snacks!!! No cupcakes, but who is complaining? (Well me, I complained, but got over it after enough free coffee and snacks.)
You need conifers? Go to Oregon!
Oregon is where most California nurseries get their conifers. Same for maples. Because why? Because again, Oregon's weather is perfect for growers.
Perfect for nurseries too! Even though The Garden Corner, for my taste, could stock more unusual plants, it does have a huge variety. And all the plants are beautifully healthy and thriving—plus they are displayed in creative ways, in spectacular combinations and settings. Aunt Patti and I didn't come away with the car filled with purchases, but oh! We came away happy and filled in other ways that count.
My prediction came true. My visit to The Garden Corner was indeed better than sex!
Photos courtesy Sheri Lynn Burke. All rights reserved.