I 'm Sheri Burke, plant lover, and let me say that if there is a plant nursery on my daily path of errands, I stop. If there is a nursery on my path to my BFF’s house, I stop. If there is a nursery on my path to visit family, I stop.

This stop-for-every-nursery path of mine led me to the idea of making yearly trips with my Aunt Patti (just as crazy about all things plants as I am) with no objective except to visit nurseries and public gardens. We pick a general destination, let’s say Oregon. We make a list of all the nurseries on our path, depending upon which freeway we decide to travel. And we head out!

I drive, Aunt Patti navigates. And we have a rule: she has her side of the vehicle, I have mine, and the two cannot encroach on the other without paying rent or a free plant. We take food and drink with us because stopping somewhere to eat means less time at a nursery!

Only after we have been thrown out of the last nursery for the day do we start looking for a hotel. Luckily, we have not had to sleep in the car. We love living on the edge. So come along and enjoy with us our journey of plant nursery joy!

First Visit?

JUST A SUGGESTION! Begin with post 01 Dragonfly Farm. Find my archives here.

January 15, 2021

23 Flowercraft Garden Center

Before I get into some Flowercraft Garden Center purchases, may I register a complaint? During this pandemic, visiting nurseries has been very difficult on Aunt Patti and me. Here's why: Most—if not ALL—their restrooms are "CLOSED TO PUBLIC." Soooo annoying!!! I mean, I get why, and some might consider this a petty problem, but...doesn’t everybody have to pee?!
December 18, 2020

21 Bushnell Gardens Nursery

What do you do while cruising down the road and you see a sign that reads, "GIANT PLANT SALE"? Duh! In the Name of Plants you STOP! There is nothing that should keep you from screeching those tires, making a hard turn, and jumping from your vehicle to start waltzing.
December 11, 2020

20 Fabulous Fall Foliage

If fall colors don’t make you want to get out there and add variety to your garden, I don’t know what will! Who does not enjoy being outdoors at this time of year? And when I'm stuck working in my office, I want to look out my window at something breathtakingly beautiful.
September 18, 2020

13 Woodlanders Online Nursery

I can’t remember the name of the first nursery catalog I bought from, but I do remember receiving the package. Here I am with giddy anticipation, ripping open the box, expecting to see plants that look JUST LIKE the catalog pictures. And what do my eyes see? Twigs and clumps of dirt. What in the hell was I supposed to do with these?
January 17, 2025

102 Notable Nurseries, Episode 1

Between Christmas and New Years, when I’m bored and stuck in the house because it’s raining and I have a cold, what do I do? I count nurseries I’ve visited. Don’t you? Of the 300-plus nurseries I've been to, here's a couple of notable post-worthy ones—though maybe not full-post worthy. Nothing's wrong with sharing the spotlight!
July 17, 2024

100 Northwest Garden Nursery

Can you believe my 100th blog post is here! Many kudos to all of you readers who have tolerated me for so long on this adventure. We’ve shared plenty of laughs and eye-rolls, but I hope my posts have helped fertilize your plant passion. For this milestone post, I share a garden visit that brought me to tears.
August 21, 2020

10 Pierson’s Building Center

We are heading (speeding) north along Highway 101 toward my hometown, Eureka. Approaching the town of Percy, I turn to Aunt Patti and say, "You have to be really careful on this stretch because the CHPs always hang out here." Just as I turn back, wouldn’t you know it, there's one of them now...

Sheri Lynn Burke

My journey began as a small child watching and helping my mom in the garden. Years later, I bought a home, had those kids, had an ugly landscape and thought, "I can do better." So for the next 10 years, thousands (and thousands) of dollars went to plants. But I became a serial killer as 80% of them died. "Screw this!" I said. I had an eye for design but didn't know how to keep the damn plants alive! I procrastinated for 5 years ('cuz I wanted more death) and then became a certified Master Gardener. Four years and three pieces of paper later, I got a Horticulture degree. No longer a serial killer, I'm now a landscape designer and contractor with my own business. I had to train this green thumb that I got from my mother. But, Mom, I owe it all to you!

January 15, 2021

23 Flowercraft Garden Center

Before I get into some Flowercraft Garden Center purchases, may I register a complaint? During this pandemic, visiting nurseries has been very difficult on Aunt Patti and me. Here's why: Most—if not ALL—their restrooms are "CLOSED TO PUBLIC." Soooo annoying!!! I mean, I get why, and some might consider this a petty problem, but...doesn’t everybody have to pee?!
December 18, 2020

21 Bushnell Gardens Nursery

What do you do while cruising down the road and you see a sign that reads, "GIANT PLANT SALE"? Duh! In the Name of Plants you STOP! There is nothing that should keep you from screeching those tires, making a hard turn, and jumping from your vehicle to start waltzing.
December 11, 2020

20 Fabulous Fall Foliage

If fall colors don’t make you want to get out there and add variety to your garden, I don’t know what will! Who does not enjoy being outdoors at this time of year? And when I'm stuck working in my office, I want to look out my window at something breathtakingly beautiful.
September 18, 2020

13 Woodlanders Online Nursery

I can’t remember the name of the first nursery catalog I bought from, but I do remember receiving the package. Here I am with giddy anticipation, ripping open the box, expecting to see plants that look JUST LIKE the catalog pictures. And what do my eyes see? Twigs and clumps of dirt. What in the hell was I supposed to do with these?
January 17, 2025

102 Notable Nurseries, Episode 1

Between Christmas and New Years, when I’m bored and stuck in the house because it’s raining and I have a cold, what do I do? I count nurseries I’ve visited. Don’t you? Of the 300-plus nurseries I've been to, here's a couple of notable post-worthy ones—though maybe not full-post worthy. Nothing's wrong with sharing the spotlight!
July 17, 2024

100 Northwest Garden Nursery

Can you believe my 100th blog post is here! Many kudos to all of you readers who have tolerated me for so long on this adventure. We’ve shared plenty of laughs and eye-rolls, but I hope my posts have helped fertilize your plant passion. For this milestone post, I share a garden visit that brought me to tears.
August 21, 2020

10 Pierson’s Building Center

We are heading (speeding) north along Highway 101 toward my hometown, Eureka. Approaching the town of Percy, I turn to Aunt Patti and say, "You have to be really careful on this stretch because the CHPs always hang out here." Just as I turn back, wouldn’t you know it, there's one of them now...