92 Fall Flowers 2023
October 27, 2023
94 I See Red
December 1, 2023Plant Depot
32413 San Juan Creek Rd, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • (949) 240-2107
I swiped the picture above from Plant Depot’s website. The place looks much prettier than when AP and I visited it in 2021. We took this photo of the entrance…

I was rather surprised the outside of the place looked so unexciting back then. But Plant Depot has undergone a facelift it truly deserves. Because on the inside, it is a Destination Nursery on a large scale, complete with demo gardens, a fantastic layout and a huge selection.
I may be just a lowly nursery hopper, but in my opinion Plant Depot is a plant-lover’s hoppin’ dream!

Seriously, get the “O” back up for plantsake!
Maybe like the rest of us they have trouble growing succulents vertically so that they stay alive and don’t have to be replaced regularly! I’ve stopped trying to keep mine going…for the time being. Nice idea, but is it worth the effort??
What is this pretty thing?…

Wish I knew! Yes, I am aware of plant apps that are supposed to identify any plant you point your camera at, but 9 times out of 10 they are not incorrect. I hope I run across that vine again someday to learn its name.
I like the look of this fence…

It won’t keep the deer out—so useless to me—but it IS attractive.
Look what AP and I found smack dab in the center of the nursery…

A beautiful creek bed surrounded with gorgeous succulents, palms and other greenery. Plant Depot shows excellence in everything they do.
Take a look…

AND their tables for displaying plants are perfect…

The tables stand about 4-feet high which is perfect for viewing plants up close and personal.
Although for you women who are a little chesty like me, reaching over plants in the front to grab the perfect one 5-plants back, I did some rearranging…oops.
Have I said this before? SoCal has the perfect weather to grow succulents.
So annoying.

Now this is how you outline a walkway!!…

I was going to do the same thing at my place with stupid Wisteria, but because it was in the wrong place, I got sick and tired of the constant pruning. So I ripped it out and poured a gallon of Roundup on it for security. It’s dead.
Now I’m determining what vines to place on the arbors instead that will allow me to relax.
Don’t you love these tall narrow pots?…

I place them in the gardens for pops of color and vertical interest. They are pretty just the way they are. You don’t even have to put plants in them.
How about this for simple, elegant and understated…

Plant Depot, you’re an inspiration!
By now you know I love Euphorbias—ALL Euphorbias—and I will grab any I see that are new to me. Like this one…

Euphorbia cyparissias ‘Fens Ruby’ (Cypress Spurge)
It is so delicate and airy.
Because it’s herbaceous (dies down to the ground in winter), at times I’ve forgotten about it and thought, “How did that bare spot happen?” I get my shovel and put it into the ground where it is met with resistance from the root ball. Then I remember and say to myself, “Crap! I hope I didn’t kill it.”
I bought this gorgeous plant to add to my collection of Weigelas…

Weigela florida ‘Kolmagira’ (Rainbow Sensation Weigela)
It did not even last a year in my holding area—aka, dead, and I don’t know why.
But I have 3 others growing just beautifully. I bought them online a couple of winters ago during a shopping spree of boredom.

Weigela Towers of Flowers ‘Apple Blossom’ (along with 10 other plants surrounding it)

Weigela Towers of Flowers ‘Cherry’

Weigela x ‘Velda’ (Tuxedo Weigela)
The only thing at Plant Depot I did not find exciting or inspiring is all the knick-knack crap that is literally the same knick-knack crap I see at every other nursery.
But don’t let this stop you from visiting there. Just hold your breath (helps you walk faster) until you get past all that and into the good stuff. There’s plenty of that to see.
A tour of Plant Depot’s Instagram page with many short videos might even help you forget winter is coming!