49 This, That, and the Other Thing
January 7, 2022
51 Garden Art Exposed!
February 11, 2022Talini's Nursery & Garden Center
5601 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95819 • (916) 451-8150
Website • Facebook • Instagram
T alini's is located in a wealthy neighborhood of East Sacramento known as the "Fab Forties." The homes there (on numbered streets in the 40s) range from tiny and charming to large and stunning—suburban mansions of all sizes and classic architectural styles. They all sit on big lots along tree-lined streets. And within walking distance are excellent restaurants and boutique shops. Just park your car and take a stroll, making sure to include Talini’s which is just as charming and boutique-ish as the rest of the "Fab Forties!"
AP and I visit this cozy nursery at least twice each year. When you shop here, at every turn you will find something you must take home.
As sidelines, Talini's carries a huge inventory of seeds and houseplants and tools. But its greatest thrill for me is its eclectic mix of unusual plants intermingled with fun and classy garden objects and art.
For example, here's one of those unusual plants...
Agonis flexuosa 'After Dark" (After Dark Peppermint Willow)
I've seen these small semi-weeping trees all over Oregon. Their dark burgundy leaves make them absolutely stunning. In spring and summer they have beautiful white flowers with burgundy centers.
Unfortunately in my Zone 7 garden, 'After Dark' would definitely suffer. But in Zone 9 or higher, no suffering! Just beauty!
I seldom see this unusual evergreen in California nurseries, so when I came upon one at Talini’s, I was tempted to buy it and experiment with it to see if I could minimize suffering and somehow get it to thrive. But I often struggle with what’s right for the plant versus my need to have it! So I just took its photo. Sigh. Yes, I have compassion for plants.
It sucks being me.
But I absolutely love Talini's parasols...
I wanted to buy them to protect my baby plantlings when they first go out into the gardens and are not acclimated to the sun. But their being located outside the nursery, the parasols have become nesting places for someone else's babies!
Do not disturb. Drats.
If you've read my blog post #8 you know I already have 2 large metal giraffes on my property. I say it couldn't hurt to add one more...
This one strolls through Talini's wonderful selection of shade plants.
Mike would take one look at the dog below—with its bright eclectic colors—and say, "This dog belongs in a carnival."
So you can imagine what he said some years ago when I brought home this birdhouse...
I just ignore him.
Don't you love this little garden bench? Where does Talini's find all this charming stuff?
It belongs in a butterfly garden. Hmmmm.... I think I know of one :)
Where would you put these fantastic screens?...
At around $400 each they are pretty expensive. But I must, I must, I MUST have them!
(You hear me, Mike?!)
I’d place them here or there throughout the gardens—as art though, not necessarily to screen something from view.
Mike would tell me to buy him a plasma cutter and he'd be able to make all the screens I'd ever want. But the problem—once again—is I’d be dead before I ever got one out of him.
So I'll move on to a happier subject...
Talini’s offers up some very beautiful pond plants!
I know they just want to please their customers, but...
...Gawd, they are everywhere!!!
One year my daughter and son-in-law took me shopping at Talini’s for my birthday. They said I could pick whatever I wanted. Obviously I avoided the above and picked out the below.
You’d think my own daughter would know me well enough to never EVER tell me to pick out WHATEVER I wanted at a NURSERY, for plantsake! Especially one where, as I've said, you will find something you must take home at every turn.
Being the kind mother that I am (I do have a Lifetime Mother Award), I was gentle on them and picked out just that one container in my favorite blue.
I'm switching the subject again, this time back to my She-Shed which I shared with you in my previous post. I mean Talini's is a nursery I love to visit but my She-Shed is what I come home to.
And, well, there are some interior details I forgot to share. Like this one...
Every girl needs a chandelier in her She-Shed!!! Right? Especially one she grew up with. (IT was not nailed down either...)
And how about these for a little fun and fancy?...
I am all about details in the home and in the garden. Each room in our home has different switch plates to match the decor. So I had to do the same in my She-Shed of course.
Check them out at switchplates.com. You will be blown away!
Oh, and in case you clicked on the erroneous Mike Burke Construction link in my previous post before it got fixed, here is the correct link. The other Mike Burke cannot hold a candle to mine. Even after 38 years I get him glowing.
Photos: Sheri Lynn Burke