48 Roger’s Gardens
December 10, 2021
50 Talini’s Nursery
January 21, 2022This, That and the Other Thing
H appily, this bird landed under the Christmas tree as my present from Mike. How do you suppose he figured out what to get me? Could it be that he reads my blog and actually got something mentioned in my many not-so-subtle "OMG! I must have this!," comments? Or could it be because the descriptive note that came with the bird matches how my husband sees me? Either way, it's working for me, Friends!!!
Mike does try, though. Sometimes. Remember that red outdoor furniture I said I wanted in blog post #30? He actually tried to buy that for my birthday last year. (It would go so lovely in front of my new She-Shed.) But the place that stocked it, Armstrong Nursery in Dublin and a secound location in Novato (near my BFF’s house) had sold out to SummerWinds Nursery and the red furniture was gone.
So sad. But I've discovered SummerWinds has other locations in Palo Alto, Cupertino, and Campbell. Hear that, AP? Trip time!
Did you notice I tipped my hand 2 paragraphs back? Ready for this?
TA-DA! My completed She-Shed! Here's the back of it...
I wasn’t going to "Show & Tell" until the lamp post got installed that will go where the green upside-down nursery pot is covering the installation bolts (to hide a tripping hazard), but I may be dead before that happens!
Here's the lamp post in it's current location...and it has a story.
Nine years ago, The National Park Service hired Burke Construction (our company) to remove all the old light poles and fixtures at Hyde Street Pier in San Francisco and replace them with new ones and LED lights.
Of course Mike "The Scavenger" hauled the old ones to our place where they have been lying around in pieces all these years waiting for him (not me!) to decide what to do with them.
I thought about installing them going up our driveway, but that thought went nowhere with Mike. I had the idea to put one at my growing area—which also went nowhere. Then I wanted one in my garden, but you "no where" that ended up. Apparently, I had no say in the matter.
Then as a surprise for my 2020 birthday (year, not age), Mike put one together and painted it for me. Before it can be installed though he has to attach the curly wrought-iron piece (right side of picture against the fence) and give the whole thing a final coat of paint—which can only happen when it’s not windy. (Mike’s excuse for the delay.) Hopefully by 2040.
I should do the math to see if I will even exist by then. At least I have the She-Shed itself to enjoy.
Here's the front side...
It took me a long time to find the right doors. I really wanted vintage but our builder—NOT Mike who framed it but I'd be dead before he ever finished it—said "hurry it up!" So I chose these double doors.
I had the red light custom built at Barn Light Electric Company.
Mike gave me extra eave on one side so I would have a place to work on outdoor projects when it's raining.
Now let me show you inside...
All neat and tidy!
I must have a view.
Stunning when the sun shines through!
That piece of stained glass was made by a friend of my parents and came out of our family home in Freshwater, California.
It was just leaning in a window and NOT nailed down so I took it!
After my dad passed away, Mom worked to get the family home and all its belongings organized—including all the out-buildings—before putting the property on the market. In the process she created a pile of stuff for her kids to come and pick up.
In my first blog post I mention a woman with "a crap-load of kids." Well my parents have that too, and I was the last of the "load" to make it to Freshwater before escrow closed.
Mom had told me I could take whatever was not nailed down, so Mike and I hopped in the truck—with a trailer hitched behind (I’m not stupid)—which we filled full of stuff from the pile. Then we went beyond the pile to other stuff NOT nailed down.
Later, my Mom (who has since relocated closer to me) got a call from the realtor with a list of things missing from the property. He asked who had taken it all, and Mom knew immediately it was her "Bird of prey, fearless and strong" one.
The realtor asked for the stuff on the list to be returned. So that's ALL I returned. Why on earth would I return anything not listed? Like the stained-glass window for instance. Chuh!
Needless to say I made out pretty well. But don't mention this to the rest of the crap load. (As if they all don't know me well enough anyhoo.)
Now for some other things...
This trimmer is my new tool for the season as now is the time to whack back ornamental grasses.
With the downpour of rain we have had, I am cutting mine back now—a month earlier than usual—to keep me from yelling profanities later. Because grasses are generally a mess and difficult even without extra rain.
I have been wanting this trimmer for a while because it uses Milwaukee batteries (see post #20) which my other tools use as well. I bought all of them to make life easier. Because, OMG, this trimmer! It takes only 10 seconds to do some serious whacking on a clump of grass.
When I notified my "little gardening friend"—who loves ornamental grasses like I do—about my nifty new tool, she immediately hopped in the shower and went straight to Home Depot and bought one for herself. I told her not to tell her husband who once said to her, "You can’t be friends with Sheri anymore. She makes you spend money."
Huh. I never saw HIM out trimming grasses!
LEFT: Magnolia ‘Little Gem’
RIGHT: Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest Wilma’ (Lemon Cypress or Goldcrest Tree)
After the holidays I went round to several nurseries and bought up their few leftover Lemon Cypress trees (75% off!) that they decorate up so cute for the season. I potted them up into one-gallons and they will sit in my holding area for a year before they go into some very beautifully designed landscapes.
This is really the only time of year you will see Lemon Cypress in the nurseries. So Readers get a move on!
Haha! Good luck finding any.
Here they are potted up along with 2 beautiful ‘Little Gem’ Magnolias which I adore and which cost me just $4 instead of $17.95 in one-quart pots. (I have never seen them offered that small. Usually the smallest are in 15-gallon containers for $115.)
I potted them up into 2-gallons and I'll hold them for 2 years because who wants itty-bitty trees installed? Unlike patient me, my clients all want instant impact, and these 'Little Gems' do grow fast.
I love little things that let me imagine a bigger brighter future. Don't you?
So with this, that and the other thing in mind...
Happy New Year, Friends!
IN MEMORY: One of my very special clients, John, passed away this morning. He was an avid reader of my blog and an avid gardener. We would always shoot the breeze about my posts but most importantly about all things plants. You will be missed, John!
Photos: Sheri Lynn Burke