21 Bushnell Gardens Nursery
December 18, 2020
23 Flowercraft Garden Center
January 15, 2021Miss Viola
W hat’s in a blog name....except my NUMBER ONE FAVORITE PLANT!?! You may be shocked to read this because Violas are so common, and you know I have a thing for all plants new and unusual.
But I have to ask you this: What flower, besides Miss Viola, actually smiles back at you?!
The joy this little plant gives me is the reason for my travels from nursery to nursery in hopes of finding other plants that make me smile like this one does.
And that is how "Driving Miss Viola" came to be. Though—go figure—my travel cohort Aunt Patti is NOT a fan of Violas...well, except for Johnny Jump Ups.
Viola Johnny Jump Up (Viola Tricolor)
Honestly, what other plant is more reliable to appear year after year, Fall through Spring, with its smiling blossoms?? Whether you want it to or not! And multiplied by the hundreds....OMG, they are everywhere.
I introduced the little gem to the Sherwood Demonstration Garden and, needless to say, its offspring have landed in just about every section of the garden and beyond.
What other plant so easily self-sows and fills in even the nooks and crannies as if you had planned it all along?
Viola (unknown variety)
You can actually just throw this happy little plant's seeds into a ground cover and it will pop up and thrive during cold, wet days and then die back allowing the ground cover to perform.
But be careful when weeding. I have yanked out tiny seedlings only to find out they were my Viola babies!!!
LEFT: Viola 'Tiger Eyes', Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ (Creeping Jenny)
RIGHT: Viola ‘Sorbet Coconut Swirl’, Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ (Creeping Jenny)
And what other plant can you snack on while gardening?
Viola cornuta ‘Sorbet Yellow’
Cupcakes (!!!) with my favorite flower...Priceless.
I love color and there's no easier way to add color to the garden than with Violas. I purchase a lot of mine at Annies Annuals & Perennials, also mentioned here.
Viola (unknown variety)
No color combo says "It’s Spring" like these cheery colorful faces.
And do not underestimate what Violas can do for containers!
LEFT: Viola x wittrockiana Frizzle Sizzle ‘Yellow Blue Swirl’, Brassica oleracea Ornamental Kale
RIGHT: Viola ‘Deltini Burgundy’, Cyclamen persicum Fleur En Vogue Pink, Brassica oleracea Ornamental Kale
What other plant brightens up a container placed at your door so that every time you go in or out it puts a smile on your face?
So let's celebrate Miss Viola in a way that makes a joyful beginning to a new year. Go get some packets of Viola seeds and throw them out on a windy day. You'll be surprised by little smiles that pop up for years to come!
Photos courtesy Sheri Lynn Burke. All rights reserved.