01 Dragonfly Farm
June 15, 2020
03 Annie’s
June 17, 2020B efore we arrived at 101 Plants & Things, we stopped in the little town of Bandon and had a great crab sandwich on the bay. On occasion Aunti Patti and I do stop--other than to visit a nursery--if the scenery is just right, or to eat (cuz we're bored with our snacks), and especially if we have to pee (again).
It was such a beautiful day, clear blue skies. We did go to the flea market--per the woman at Dragonfly Farm with the crap load of kids, who told us we should check a guy out there and his plants. But I am a plant snob, and he had nothing I wanted to waste valuable space for on my side of the car.
Before Aunt Patti and I venture out, we visit nursery websites and read their reviews (with a grain of salt!). But when we drive up and enter a nursery and see right off that it ain’t nothing like the website photos and descriptions, it pisses me off. People! Update your damn websites.
The funny thing is, while we're staring at the entrance from the parking lot, we see the woman in the van with the crap load of kids again and waved.
We did meander through the nursery of course cuz we had to pee (again), and you never know what somewhat interesting thing you’re gonna find. Out back, a beautiful stream ran through, but we found the place very unkempt--which can be fine sometimes, but for us, here, it was just "ho hum."
However behind the building lived this huge Echium pininana 'Pink Fountain.' (I have another name for it--see if you can figure it out. LOL).
My neighbor bought one in a 4-inch pot from Annie’s Annuals in Richmond, California, that took years to get big enough to bloom. Annie’s also has an Echium outside their nursery, and if you've never been to Annie’s, you have not lived. More on that later.

Echium pininana 'Pink Fountain' at 101 Plants & Things

Echium pininana, up close and very personal.
Photographs in this post courtesy Sheri Lynn Burke. All rights reserved.