02 – 101 Plants & Things
June 16, 2020T he Oregon coastline is beautiful in and of itself. But adding one of the most beautiful nurseries on the road to joy makes it freakin’ amazing. Dragonfly Farm is like sex but better, if you ask me.
Let me warn you though. Due to the lushness of the area, the Dragonfly Farm sign is hidden. When the Google Maps woman says "turn right," you have to screech the tires as you brake and swing a hard right into the driveway. This made us have to pee, adjust the luggage and comfort our precious plants in the back of the car.
But this place is worth the trouble. It's situated in the middle of a grove of redwood trees and a field of green. So charming! It offers an eclectic mix of plants plus garage sale items to boot!! Oh, and swings attached to the Redwood trees for the kids...and adults :) What a dream.

The grounds at Dragonfly Farm
I bought a Sedum SUNSPARKLER 'Cherry Tart' which the damn deer at my place have chewed on, but it's now slowly coming back to life.
(Oh, let me just tell you now, I have 20+ deer that come down from the top meadow to have a drink in my ponds before meandering over for dessert, or a snack, depending upon time of day. I'm sure my neighbors far and wide can here me yell, "GAWD DAMN DEER!" And then I get my gun. Just kidding.)

Sedum SUNSPARKLER 'Cherry Tart.' The half eaten plant in the lime pot is still in its nursery pot just in case the deer come back. Next to that pot is Echeveria 'Black Prince' that just keeps on giving. Stunning plant!
Photographs in this post courtesy Sheri Lynn Burke. All rights reserved.